Minakhee Writings

Natural Stress Busters: Your Hope Hormones

A few years ago, Vinita’s (name changed to maintain privacy)  first child left home to live them/theirs dream. 

Of course, as a new-age parent, you would all know that the “them/theirs” reference isn’t a grammatical error. Yes, it doesn’t matter if we have to break conventional syntax and language rules. What matters is that we should respect and not offend GenX kids’ gender-neutral stance.

Now, let’s come back to track.

When her kid left as supportive parents, Vinita and her husband put up a smiling face and let her bird fly. Of course, they didn’t want to clip their child’s wings. Inside, their hearts burned. For weeks, Vinita would go to her kid’s room (now empty) and rummage through the rejected clothing items that still populated the shelves and drawers. She would pick up a shirt, hug it, and smell it even as tears streamed down my face. Sometimes, she would wake up startled at night and then toss and turn till the wee hours of the morning. She lost interest in going out to hang out with friends. Sometimes, she would just sit and cry for hours. She had started gaining weight. She felt everything was meaningless. Vinita found out she was suffering from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). 

May soldiers and also victims of trauma suffer from this. While most would feel that why would a normal event like this cause trauma in Vinita? They think- Probably, she was exaggerating what is called ‘empty nest syndrome’- Or maybe she was just over-emotional and weak. Unfortunately, that is how the outside world sees the mental goes through. We forget that everyone is different and each has a unique mental make-up. What triggers a certain reaction in some people is their psychological makeup, experiences and social conditioning. Sometimes, they don’t have control over it.  

The fact is the modern world has more individuals affected by stress and anxiety than ever before. Yes, the specific reason, the degree, and the condition may differ. 

74% of the world population feels handicapped and, at times, unable to function to their optimum due to stress. This is by no means a fun stat. We (Buzzingtales) found this concrete data compiled by the Mental Health Foundation.

In today’s fast-paced world, stress has become an ever-present companion, affecting individuals of all ages and backgrounds. From school-going children to seasoned executives, the pressures of modern life can take a toll on mental well-being if left unaddressed. However, amidst the chaos, there lies an opportunity to transform stress into a catalyst for personal growth and fulfilment.

When muscles contract, they release compounds into the bloodstream. These compounds include myokines, sometimes known as “hope molecules“. These minute proteins enter the brain, pass through the blood-brain barrier, and function as antidepressants.

Exercising regularly doesn’t just help your body fitter and healthier; it also improves mental health.

Other things can help you cope with stress better and boost your “hope molecules.” Some of them include listening to music, talking with friends, meditating, picking up a hobby, etc. Let’s discuss a few more.

Understanding Stress: The Mind’s Response to Life’s Challenges

The points below are based on my interview with Dr. Girish Patel, a prominent psychotherapist (expert in treating Stress-related diseases and health problems), international trainer, and author. The original article about the interview was submitted to the Times of India. I have put the link for you here.

The Urban Malady: Unraveling the Impact of Stress on Modern Society

Stress permeates every aspect of contemporary life, manifesting in various forms ranging from work-related pressures to personal relationships. Despite its prevalence, the root cause often lies not in external circumstances but in the mind’s inability to cope effectively.

Empowering the Mind: Strategies for Stress Transformation

Active Awareness: Embracing the Present Moment

By cultivating mindfulness and embracing the present moment, individuals can alleviate the burden of stress. Awareness of one’s thoughts and emotions allows for proactive management, preventing stress from spiralling out of control.

Service and Volunteering: A Path to Inner Fulfillment

Engaging in acts of service and volunteering not only benefits others but also serves as a powerful antidote to stress. Shifting focus from self-concern to altruistic endeavours fosters a sense of purpose and interconnectedness, diminishing the impact of stressors.

Practical Tips for Stress Relief

Incorporating simple yet effective strategies into daily routines can significantly mitigate stress levels. From prioritizing self-care to nurturing hobbies and interests, individuals can build resilience and fortify their mental well-being.

Building Self-Image and Confidence

Self-confidence acts as a buffer against stress, empowering individuals to navigate life’s challenges with poise and determination.

Effective Time Management

Efficient allocation of time enables individuals to balance competing priorities, reducing feelings of overwhelm and anxiety.

Recognizing Symptoms and Setting Realistic Goals

Awareness of stress symptoms and setting achievable goals are essential components of stress management, preventing burnout and fostering a sense of accomplishment.

Embracing Imperfection: The Path to Sustainable Excellence

Perfection may be elusive, but excellence is attainable through perseverance and a commitment to personal growth. Embracing imperfection allows individuals to find joy in the journey rather than fixating on unattainable ideals.

Navigating the Road Ahead: Empowering Self and Others

From Stress to Strength: Cultivating Coping Skills

Arming oneself with effective coping mechanisms is paramount in navigating life’s uncertainties. By reframing challenges as opportunities for growth, individuals can transform stress into a catalyst for personal and professional development.

Redefining Success: Prioritizing Long-term Fulfillment

In a society obsessed with instant gratification, cultivating a long-term perspective is essential for sustainable well-being. By focusing on meaningful goals and embracing the journey, individuals can find fulfilment amidst life’s complexities.


Stress management is not merely about avoiding or suppressing stress but about embracing it as a catalyst for growth and transformation. By fostering resilience, cultivating mindfulness, and prioritizing self-care, individuals can navigate life’s turbulence with grace and fortitude.

Certain Questions Crucial Questions:

How does stress impact physical health?

Stress can manifest in various physical symptoms such as headaches, muscle tension, and compromised immune function, highlighting the interconnectedness of mind and body.

What role does mindset play in stress management?

A positive mindset can significantly influence one’s ability to cope with stress, enabling individuals to approach challenges with resilience and optimism.

Is stress management solely an individual responsibility?

While individuals play a crucial role in managing their stress levels, societal factors such as work culture and social support networks also impact overall well-being.

Can stress ever be entirely eliminated?

While it may not be possible to eradicate stress entirely, individuals can develop effective strategies to mitigate its impact and build resilience in the face of adversity.

How can I incorporate stress-relief techniques into my daily routine?

Integrating practices such as mindfulness meditation, physical exercise, and leisure activities into daily life can foster a sense of balance and well-being, reducing the burden of stress.

Disclaimer: Note that this article is written to spread awareness about stress and how it can trigger mental health issues. This article is written from an individual perspective, based on research and personal experiences and nothing in the article should be taken as medical advice. 









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